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Buch-Cover von »Why Europe Should Become a Republic!«

Ulrike Guérot

Why Europe Should Become a Republic!

A Political Utopia

Ins Englische übersetzt von Ray Cunningham

Buch     eBook

328 Seiten

ISBN 978-3-8012-7017-9

Erscheinungstermin: Juni 2019

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Ulrike Guérot outlines the idea of a radically different Europe: Europe as a Republic. The concept is based on two pillars: Firstly, the principle of political equality for all European citizens and the separation of powers, instead of a non-transparent and technocratic »trilogy« of the existing European institutions. Secondly, strong European regions actively participating in European decision-making.

One market, one currency, one democracy: Ulrike Guérot presents a passionate plea for the completion of the European project by creating a single European democracy in which the citizens are the sovereign and solidarity across Europe is institutionalized.

Portraitfoto von Ulrike Guérot

Ulrike Guérot

Dr., geb. 1964, Politikwissenschaftlerin, Gründerin und Direktorin des European Democracy Labs an der European School of Governance, eusg, in Berlin und seit Frühjahr 2016 Professorin und Leiterin des Departments für Europapolitik und Demokratieforschung an der Donau-Universität Krems/Österreich. Sie hat zwanzig Jahre in Thinktanks in Paris, Brüssel, London, Washington und Berlin zu Fragen der europäischen Integration und Europas in der Welt gearbeitet und kennt EU-Europa, seine Institutionen und Schwächen wie kein(e) zweite(r).


Ray Cunningham

Ray Cunningham, has a first degree in German and French and a PhD on myth and politics in the writings of Thomas Mann. He was formerly Director of the Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, and is now a freelance writer, lecturer, consultant and translator, working mainly in bilateral Anglo-German knowledge exchange across the social sciences and humanities. More information at www.raycunningham.eu
