Björn Hacker
Social Europe: From vision to vigour
The need to balance economic and social integration
144 Seiten
12,00 Euro
ISBN 978-3-8012-3105-7
Erscheinungstermin: November 2023
Yes, European social policy exists, and its origins can be traced back nearly 70 years. This book succeeds in demystifying Social Europe and explains its significance in the integration process for the broader public. Björn Hacker maps out the lines of conflict in social affairs between Member States and the EU, as well as between economic and social progress. These lines of conflict determine the modes and actors of European social policy, creating tangible development stages with different focus points. Going back to Willy Brandt and Jacques Delors the author highlights visions of Social Europe in their respective paradigmatic environment and mirrors what is left of them today. Challenges of socioeconomic imbalances, the twin transformation and multiple crises setting, make this book an indispensable companion for all those who want to understand and further progress Social Europe. The volume on Social Europe is part of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) Primers Series.
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Björn Hacker
geb. 1980, Dr. rer. pol., ist Professor für europäische Wirtschaftspolitik an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Integration Europas.