Arancha Gonzalez / Yanis Bourgeois
The Trade Handbook
Making trade work for prosperity, people and planet
280 Seiten
12,00 Euro
ISBN 978-3-8012-3103-3
Erscheinungstermin: September 2023
We are living in turbulent times. Trade and globalisation are facing major economic, geopolitical and societal shifts. Trade continues to drive job creation, growth, innovation, development and poverty reduction. Simultaneously, trade is also raising legitimate concerns about resilience, distribution, inclusion and the environment. More recently concerns about national security, dependencies and technology are redrawing trade maps. In today's complex trade ecosystem, the Trade Handbook provides the reader with a comprehensive view of why open trade and economic integration matter, where trade is headed, how to regulate it, and how it can work for everyone – not just some or most. If in the past the focus has been on making trade possible, i.e. negotiating trade agreements, the Trade Handbook suggests to pay the same attention to making trade happen, and most importantly, to ensure trade works for all. Basically, how to make trade effectively work for prosperity, people and planet. The Trade Handbook is part of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).
»Trade is a powerful process shaping the global economy, leveraging development but also creating new tensions and social inequalities. If you want to understand how this works and how this should work, you have here a brilliant synthesis provided by an outstanding policy-maker in the world stage.« Professor Maria Joao Rodrigues (FEPS President)
»The book smartly guides us through the underlying economic reasons for engaging in trade, the functioning of the international trading framework and key elements needed to facilitate trade.« Prof. Dr. hab. Marek Belka (former Prime Minister of Poland and Vice-President of S&D Group in the European Parliament)
»It is both a reference book and an inspiration. Trade will always lead to discussions, this book will make the discussion more factual and knowledgeable.« Ann Linde (Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Sweden)
»In a mesmerizing tour de force that takes the reader through the ebbs and flows of the intellectual and empirical evolution of the trade adventure, Gonzalez Laya articulates a fresh vision with courage and conviction.« Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas (Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Research Director, Virginia Tech Consultant, World Bank Member of FEPS Scientific Council)

Arancha Gonzalez
is the Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po and first woman to lead the world’s third school for Politics and International Studies. Prior to joining PSIA, Ms Gonzalez served as Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (2020-2021). She previously was Assistant-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the International Trade Centre (2013-2020). Between 2005 and 2013 she served as Chief of Staff to the Director-General of the World Trade Organization. Before that she held senior positions at the European Commission in the areas of international trade and development. Ms Gonzalez started her career as a lawyer in the private sector. A Spanish national, Ms Gonzalez holds a degree in law from the University of Navarra and a Master in European Law from the University Carlos III of Madrid.

Yanis Bourgeois
is an Economic Affairs Officer at the World Trade Organization, in the Council and Trade Negotiations Committee (CTNC) Division. He specialises in e-commerce related issues at the WTO, both under the Work Programme and the ongoing negotiations in the Joint Statement Initiative. Mr Bourgeois regularly provides technical assistance to developing and least developed countries on a variety of WTO issues, including on e-commerce, Ministerial Conferences and General Council matters, negotiations, plurilateral initiatives, and WTO reform. He is a French national who holds two Masters’ degrees, a Master 2 in English and North American Business Law from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an LL.M. in International Law from the University of Glasgow.